Last night when I put Kate to bed, I cuddled with her for a few minutes. We were talking a little bit and she said she couldn't wait for today, because of Mother's Day. She really wanted to give me my presents. I told her, since I know my daughter so well, not to wake me up TOO early to give me my gifts. Her response to that was...
"Why not? You might miss Mother's Day!" Katie form, she was in my room at 7:40 all excited. I wasn't totally awake yet and I asked if we could lay down for a bit more and then she could give me my gifts. That did not go over well. So, I got up, went to the bathroom and came back to my bedroom light on and Katie in my bed with her gifts for me. How could I turn her down???!!! In the first bag she had things of hers in a bag for me, including a High School Musical trading card, a heart gem, and a pigs head made from clay that Paul made for her a few weeks ago! (hilarious!) Then she opened up her bag from school that had a little cup with the start of a Marigold. I loved everything!
Poor Tyler was crying when he came in because they started something on the computers for us on Friday and he didn't get it done. I'm not sure why he didn't get it done, all I know is he was very upset that he had nothing for me. I want to know why the teacher wouldn't make sure that EVERY kid had something to take home to their Mom's. Why start a project on Friday afternoon. I felt so bad for him. I want to ask his teacher tomorrow what happened. She didn't make me happy...and on Mother's Day! LOL!
We are off to my Mom's house for dinner later on. Ordering from our favorite Chinese Restaurant! I told Paul to make sure he gets some good pictures of me and the kids this year. That's is job for today! Here's a layout that I did with a picture he took last year...he did a good job!