Well, in 8 1/2 hours it will be 2008. The four of us are staying in and ringing in the New Year right here at home. Where the heck does the time go? This year was filled with lots of great things. Kate graduated from preschool and started Kindergarten. Now I have two kids in Elementary. Tyler did well in 2nd and is doing very well in 3rd grade. He played his first year of baseball, flag football, and now he is on a basketball team! He is really enjoying sports! I love watching his games. Our family will have a new member in 2008! My sister found out she was pregnant this October. Kate still has her love of horses. We had a great family get-away to Kalahari Waterpark in Ohio and had a wonderful time! I got a shorter hair style...ahhh! Got on Scrapbook Oasis Design Team. Here's to another happy and healthy year! Hope yours is wonderful too!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you in 2008!